
Your roof system is one of your most critical assets.

Any failure can have cascading repercussions. 

Did you know that roof testing is not as common as you think?

You test your concrete foundations, why not your roof?

Testing is important to verify the materials and workmanship of any project. It provides quality assurance during roof construction and will support litigation and/or warranty claims, and is essential to any commissioning process. 

For over 20 years, Global Lab has been assisting building owners in resolving construction failures - as they arise. Global Lab works with your roofing consultants and contractors in providing quantitative data on the system performance. 


In 2021, the Canadian Standards Association adopted CSA A123.26:21 Performance requirements for climate resilience of low slope membrane roofing systems. This standard offers solutions to increase resiliency of roof systems against the growing risks posed by climate change. 

Using National Research Council's Climate-RCI web tool, users will (i) determine the climate severity for the location (as listed in the NBC), (ii) select the desired Resiliency Index, to obtain (iii) the Performance level (bronze, silver or gold). Designers implement the standard by applying (iv) the appropriate requirements as described in the CSA 123.26:21 User Guide.

The standard aims to improve the durability of roofing systems. It includes more oversight during construction, with a requirement for either full-time inspection or part-time inspection with additional verification testing. Our testing services are generally specified in section 01400 of any design specification and typically paid from cash allowances.

We offer on-site and in-lab services, providing material, moisture, adhesion, fastener, and dynamic wind uplift testing. 

Global Lab can test most roofing systems as they have been installed, including assessing the waterproofing system prior to the overburden of any green roof. Global Lab can also deliver on-site tests to determine the distribution of gravel for ballasted roofs and protected membrane assemblies.


Global testing services are normally completed within 2-3 business days, and comply with recognized test criteria. All inquiries are strictly confidential. 


Implement quality control measures from start to finish with Global Lab.  

Need advice on the type of testing you need?

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